モンスター・ハンター・ワイルズ サンズタワー完全ガイド!
The Sandstar is a small, nocturnal Endemic Life creature found in Monster Hunter Wilds. It is primarily located in the Windward Plains, specifically between Sectors 11 and 16. These creatures are known for their pale, luminescent fur, which is believed to be a result of their insect-based diet.
Sandstars are highly vigilant creatures with excellent hearing, which they use to detect approaching threats. They are extremely fast, capable of outrunning even the player's Seikret mount. Due to their speed and alertness, they are challenging to capture.
To find a Sandstar:
- Go to area 11/13 of the Windward Plains.
- Visit during nighttime in the season of plenty.
- Look for clear skies and lush grass, indicating the right conditions.
It's important to note that Sandstars are rare spawns and may require multiple attempts to find.
To capture a Sandstar:
- Use a Screamer Pod to stun it.
- Quickly equip the capture net and grab it while stunned.
- Chase it on your Seikret, waiting for it to double back.
- If chased into areas 7 and 8, it may get stunned by thorny grass or stampeding Ceratonoth.
Capturing a Sandstar is part of Samin's Research Report quest. Upon completion, you'll receive:
- Five wild herbs
- Ten honey
- 300 Guild Points
Additionally, you'll earn the "I caught a shooting star!" achievement.