Dapperwing Location Guide in MH: Wilds

    Dapperwings are unique flying creatures found in Monster Hunter Wilds, primarily in the Scarlet Forest region. Here are the key locations and tips for finding them:

    Scarlet Forest Locations

    1. Area 6: Three distinct locations inhabited by dapperwings can be found here.
    2. Area 2: Dapperwings can be spotted almost immediately upon entering this area.
    3. Areas 12 and 17: These are the most common areas to find dapperwings.
    4. Northern end of the corridor connecting Areas 10 and 12.
    5. Zone 14: Dapperwings can be found perched on a stone wall here.

    Tips for Finding Dapperwings

    • Look for them during daylight hours, especially in the morning.
    • They are often found in groups, resting on fallen logs and branches.
    • Listen for their calls, which resemble those of regular birds.
    • During the Plenty season, dapperwings are brightly colored and easier to spot.
    • If you can't find them, try resting in your tent and returning to the area.

    Capturing Dapperwings

    To capture a dapperwing:

    1. Equip your capture net from the item bar or Essential Items radial menu.
    2. Approach cautiously, as they are typically found at higher altitudes.
    3. Use the rectangular reticle and move closer until it turns yellow-orange.
    4. Deploy the net using L2/LT instead of the typical square/X button.

    Remember, dapperwings are less skittish than other creatures, making them easier to approach and capture.